Our GREEN services include:

  • Natural Products Business Consulting and Marketing Plans
  • Agricultural Research & Production
  • Seed Production and Plant Breeding
  • Natural Medicine
  • Product Commercialization
  • Canola research and production (biodiesels)
Carbon Audits and Reduction Strategies
  • IT Support - At EcoEco, we understand the importance of IT, since measurement is the foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility. In the process of carbon emission audits measure, reduce, offset will become a company’s mantra. Establishing a base line, setting targets and monitoring incremental improvements will be key to success. Measurement is fundamental to business process improvement and the reduction of greenhouse gases. IT teams will be fundamental in data extraction, presentation and analysis.
  • Business Analysis – Carbon audits will require an in-depth understanding of all aspects of a business. Our team can accommodate this request through our in-depth knowledge of project management and business process improvement.
Green Marketing
  • “Cool” Campaigns - Celebrate your green success stories by letting the community know about your commitment to global warming. Introduce carbon calculators so you can have fun promoting your brand while educating the public about the positive impacts of your actions.